Reviews / Science_fiction

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Science Fiction Titles

List of Science Fiction Reviews

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To Ride Pegasus

The Talents Saga Series  #1

1973  --   Anne McCaffrey

They were called Talents – people with extrasensory abilities including reading minds, predicting the future, and healing. But though their gifts were useful and powerful, they were not happy. Often afraid of their own “inexplicable” powers, they lived on the margins – until Henry Darrow dreamed up the Parapsychic Center and started making a place for the Talents. It wasn’t very long before they had a mission – and enemies.

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Pegasus In Flight

The Talents Saga Series  #2

1990  --   Anne McCaffrey

Earth has reached its darkest moment. In subterranean warrens, the poor eke out precarious lives where jobs are scarce and children are sold for labor—while on the surface, a privileged few enjoy lives of luxury. As the population surges and unrest spreads, a disaster of epic proportions seems inescapable. The only hope: a platform under construction in space from which starships will be launched to colonize distant planets. But the project is critically behind schedule.

In the midst of the chaos, Rhyssa Owen and her fellow Talents—telepaths who read minds, kinetics who manipulate matter, and precogs to whom the future is an open book—struggle to survive. Then two children are discovered whose extraordinary psychic gifts have the potential to avert the looming catastrophe—or hasten its ominous arrival. . . .

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Pegasus In Space

The Talents Saga Series  #3

2000  --   Anne McCaffrey

For an overpopulated Earth whose resources are strained to the breaking point, there is only one place to look for relief: straight up. With the successful completion of the Padrugoi Space Station, humanity has at last achieved its first large-scale permanent presence in space. But there are those who, for motives of their own, want Padrugoi to fail. Standing in their way are the Talented, men and women gifted with extraordinary mental powers that have made them as feared as they are respected–and utterly indispensable to the colonization effort. Now, as sabotage and attempted murder strike the Station, it’s up to the Talented to save the day. Only who is going to save the Talented?

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Into the Looking Glass

Looking Glass Series  #1

2005  --   John Ringo

Formerly of the 82nd Airborne Division, New York Times best-selling author John Ringo brings unmatched authenticity to his military science fiction.

When a subatomic physics experiment causes a massive explosion, interdimensional gateways open in Florida - and aliens pour out. Some intend to bring Earth to its knees. Others seem willing to help, but will annihilate the planet if Navy SEAL Command Master Chief Robert Miller can’t stop the menace from spreading.

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Vorpal Blade

Looking Glass Series  #2

2007  --   John Ringo

LTC William Weaver, PhD. (‘‘Call me Bill…’’) and SEAL Chief Miller, the heroes who saved Earth from alien menace in Into the Looking Glass, are back and this time Bill’s got hisself a ship! The former SSBN Nebraska has been converted, using mostly shade-tree mechanics and baling wire, into a warp ship, Naval Construction Contract 4144, ready to go where no Adar, SEAL or academic has gone before!

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Manxome Foe

Looking Glass Series  #3

2008  --   John Ringo

Gateway HD 36951 lies in ruins. All survivors slaughtered. A single, truncated message sent back to Earth. Something very bad indeed is afoot, and the A.S.S. Vorpal Blade (read: nuclear submarine converted to warp-drive space ship) is sent to investigate. But the ferocious, voracious enemy Dreen wait for no man (or other carbon-based lifeform), and the Blade and her crew are soon the only hope for an alien species pushed to the brink of extinction. Turn back and abandon a new ally or face a heavily-armed Dreen destroyer head on.

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Claws That Catch

Looking Glass Series  #4

2008  --   John Ringo

The Galaxy at Risk!

Humans have come a long ways since the looking glass gates first appeared and an alien menace turned a motley crew of scientists, sailors and force recon Marines into battle-hardened space adventurers. Now with other species running scared, it’s up to humans to take the lead and mold a weapon capable of checking the Dreen—a galactic cancer that has so far proved unstoppable. Their arsenal A hodge-podge of powerful technologies begged, borrowed and/or looted from across the galaxy and cobbled together on what has to be the strangest ship ever to ply the starways: the good ship Vorpal Blade II!

Great Ideas! Cool Space Ships! Evil Alien Butt Blasted to Smithereens!