Reviews / Science fiction  / To Ride Pegasus

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To Ride Pegasus

The Talents Saga Series  #1

24 Jun 2021 -  Anne McCaffrey

Book Cover Summary

When a freak accident furnishes solid scientific proof of paranormal mental abilities, the world reacts with suspicion and fear. How can ordinary people coexist with a minority able to read minds, heal with a touch, peer into the future, or move objects with a thought? How can anyone with such power be trusted not to abuse it? Harsh repression seems the only answer.

Gifted with precognitive talent, Henry Darrow has other ideas, foreseeing a future in which the Talents are accepted for what they are and not what they can offer their fellow humans. But the road to that future will not be easy. Darrow and the powerful telepath Daffyd op Owen must win the public’s trust while overcoming the threat of rogue Talents like Solange Boshe, a young girl so consumed with hatred that her thoughts can kill, and the singer known as Amalda, whose telepathic prowess can unite a thousand strangers in joyful harmony—or mold them into a bloodthirsty mob. . . .

Imagine a world where Extrasensory Perception (ESP) is a real, scientifically proven concept. What an amazing feat. To actually be able to scientifically detect and document the use of extrasensory powers.

This is the world that author, Anne McCaffrey, takes us to. Of course, with any perceived difference among humans there is jealousy and bigotry. And the Talents of this world are no different, having accolades and hatred aimed at them.

Anne McCaffrey is in perfect form as the premiere storyteller she is. These stories are some of her earlier works but her abilities as a storyteller shine through. Not enough detail to bog down the story but just enough to assist your imagination to visualize the story as you read.

This book contains the stories that showcase the beginning of the Talents. The next two continue the saga. They make for good reads and Peter Reidinger is the hero we all believe we could be.

So get your copies of Pegasus In Flight and Pegasus In Space to continue the adventures of the Talents. (These are good reads for mature readers and more youthful ones.

This book is available on Amazon At the link below
To Ride Pegasus

Tagged:   #talents,   #ESP,   #science_fiction