Reviews / Science fiction  / Pegasus In Flight

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Pegasus In Flight

The Talents Saga Series  #2

25 Jun 2021 -  Anne McCaffrey

Book Cover Summary

As director of the Jerhattan Parapsychic Center, telepath Rhyssa Owen coordinated the job assignments for psychically gifted Talents. And though she had her hands full dealing with the unreasonable demand for kinetics to work on the space platform that would be humankind’s stepping-stone to the stars, she was always ready to welcome new Talents to the Center.

Feisty and streetwise, twelve-year-old Tirla used her extraordinary knack for languages to eke out a living in the Linear developments, where the poor struggled to make ends meet and children were conscripted or sold into menial work programs. Young Peter, paralyzed in a freak accident, hoped someday to get into space where zero gravity would enable him to function more easily. Both desperately needed help only other Talents could provide.

With the appearance in her life of one extraordinary man with no measurable Talent at all, Rhyssa suddenly found herself questioning everything she thought she knew about her people. And when two Talented children were discovered to have some very unusual – and unexpected – abilities, she realized that she would have to reassess the potential of all Talentkind…

Anne McCaffrey is a teller-of-stories who can write. I have always found her books to be hard to put down. This story inroduces Peter Reidinger who is the Peter Parker of this universe.

Peter is mentioned in historical context in the Tower and Hive series. A young man dealing with paralysis only to find out that he is Talented. His character growth is an inspiration.

And Tirla is an orphan on her own with abilities that help her survive. Her sometimes prickly exterior houses a heart of gold. And she has no expectations beyond tomorrow.

The story of these two maturing into essential persons of the Talented World is an engrossing tale. And their character development is interesting. Plenty of suspense and intrigue along the trail. What is it about some good-hearted people always having trouble find them?

A great story for all beings of any age. I challenge you to begin the read and then put this book down and walk away from it.

This book is available on Amazon At the link below
Pegasus in Flight

Tagged:   #talents,   #ESP,   #science_fiction,   #youth