
  • My GitHub Profile About Me

    I don’t know how I missed this, but adding a GitHub profile readme file was an interesting “project”. I hit upon how to do this by personalizing my profile when I stumbled upon the Customizing your profile GitHub Docs page. You can do the same by following the Personalizing your profile link yourself. Or just click on that last link to get the info.

  • HTML Games with JavaScript

    Games are a fun way to spend your time. They can be relaxing or exciting, even educational. Some are quite challenging and can be great problem-solving mental exercises. So, however you enjoy your games, creating and playing your own creations can be a great way to learn programming techniques.

  • Browser Navigation Examples

    I was always looking for navigation examples for new websites and never quite got what I wanted. So I would copy and modify things until I got what I wanted. Keeping track of so many examples was becoming a bit confusing.

  • Lonely Globe PWA

    Another PWA based on the tutorial Getting Started with Offline First using UpUp. See the TalAter/UpUp GitHub repo. Just go down into demo folder for the tutorial code under “getting-started-with-offline-first-demo”. The tutorial isn’t complete. Had to look at the code on GitHub. And the .min.js.map files weren’t complete so changed to using the non-minimized js files from the src folder in the root of the repo.

  • Creating a To-Do PWA

    Now this tutorial, Building a Mobile App using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by Wisdom Ekpotu, was great fun. I ended up with a useable app that has become part of my daily routine. See if you can detect the changes I made in the code for a slight custom fit compared to the original.

  • Created a PWA Examples Repository

    Created a PWA Examples repository to showcase code and examples of progressive web applications as I learn how these work. For more mature examples of working PWAs, check out these examples on MDN Web Docs. MDN Web Docs is a great place to go to learn the details of web technologies.

  • Python Bottle Bootstrap

    So, I wanted to play around with the Bottle framework. This is a very interesting tool to utilize. It is a micro-framework written in Python, all in a single file. With it you can create simple web b ased tools all the way up to full websites.

  • Adding Google Analytics to GitHub Pages

    So I added Google Analytics to my GitHub pages. Now to see how that tracks. It will be interesting to see if there are any visitors here.

  • Dan Reads

    My mission here, at Dan Reads is to share the books I read. Some are for the simple love of books. Others are for their content. Gotta love them too.

  • Dan Carroll Portfolio

    My portfolio page was created as part of a GitHub Learning Lab exercise. The author of the Communicating Using Markdown course utilized the Jekyll Hacker template. This template could be termed a bit cheezy but I kind of like it. The old school computer look mixed with a few modern tweaks works for me. Maybe some day I’ll change the template to bring this part of the site into line with the main pages.

  • Welcome to Dan Carroll's GitHub Gateway!

    Welcome to my GitHub gateway. There will be announcements here for points of interest and updates. The About page is a brief description about this site. And the footer has links to my GitHub work and some of my online life.

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