Terms of Service

Last Updated: 2021-06-22


This site is for informational purposes only. Nothing here is fit for merchantability or use for any other purpose. This blog contains my opinions on books I have read and my opinions on select authors. Please do not construe this information to be valid for any purpose other informational.

I do not recommend any book for any purpose. The reviews presented here are very opinionated and are to be viewed for no other purpose than personal enjoyment or enlightenment. If you do not agree with my views, well that is fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

This site does use Google Analytics for the purpose of having some idea of the popularity of the site and individual pages on the site. The reviews contained here will be linked to Amazon for the purpose of participating in the Amazon affiliate marketing program. It is not expected that the site will be a significant revenue stream but it would be nice to afford a soda or candy bar occasionally. And if it does better than that, that would be nice.

All external links (links to pages not on this site) are provided as a courtesy to visitors here. Responsibility for the content of these links lies with the owners, or authors, of the linked to site.