Reviews / Science fiction  / Into the Looking Glass

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Into the Looking Glass

Looking Glass Series  #1

22 Jul 2021 -  John Ringo

Book Cover Summary

When a 60-kiloton explosion destroyed the University of Central Florida, and much of the surrounding countryside, the authorities first thought that terrorists had somehow obtained a nuclear weapon. But there was no radiation detected, and, when physicist Dr. William Weaver and Navy SEAL Command Master Chief Robert Miller were sent to investigate, they found that in the center of the destruction, where the University’s physics department used to be, was an interdimensional gateway to… somewhere.

An experiment in subatomic physics had produced a very unexpected effect. Furthermore, other gateways were appearing all over the world – and one of them immediately began disgorging demonic visitors intent on annihilating all life on Earth and replacing it with their own. Other, apparently less hostile, aliens emerged from other gateways, and informed Weaver and Miller that the demonic invaders – the name for them that humans could most easily pronounce was the “Dreen” – were a deadly blight across the galaxy, occupying planet after planet after wiping out all native life.

Now it would be Earth’s turn, unless Weaver and Miller could find a way to close the gateways. If they failed, the less belligerent aliens would face the regrettable necessity of annihilating the entire Earth to save their own worlds. . . .

My second read from author John Ringo. And what a read.

I was immediately drawn into the action by the descriptions of military action on the streets and highways of Central Florida. I recognized the locations. Florida boy here!

And the action just kept picking up speed. This is a must read for anyone interested in science fiction, military action, marauding alien invaders, and just damn good story-telling.

Okay, again I won’t throw out any spoilers. The copied jacket text above should be enough to wet your appetite. This is a great story, plenty of action and thrills to keep your interest going. And at this point, John Ringo is quickly becoming a favorite author of mine.

This book is available on Amazon At the link below
Into the Looking Glass (Looking Glass, Book 1)

Tagged:   #action,   #adventure,   #aliens,   #gateways,   #science_fiction,   #military,   #military_fiction