Reviews / Military fiction  / Kildar

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Paladin of Shadows Series  #2

25 Jul 2021 -  John Ringo

Book Cover Summary

Problems, problems, problems! All Mike Harmon ever wanted to be was a SEAL. But after problems in the teams, college student was a decent second best.

However, trouble seemed to follow him where he went. Now, after having angered every terrorist on Earth and at least five governments, buying a farm in a third world country was looking pretty good.

Of course, nothing was ever simple. With Chechen terrorists knocking on the door and tenant farmers with a truly Byzantine culture, the question was whether he could drag the keldara into the 21st century before the Chechen put them back in the 6th.

Kildar answers the question: Where would an international security specialist and former SEAL choose to retire–if he’s going to buy the farm, it should be one with beautiful women and the best beer in the world. Valhalla on Earth complete with Vikings.

So now our intrepid retired navy SEAL of a hero has rid the world of some serious baddies – and been handsomely rewarded for his efforts – it is time to seriously get down to retiring. With a nice size nest egg why not retire to some out of the way, scenic locale? Where American dollars go a long way.

Eastern Europe, in the mountains, out of the way of the rest of the world. Ideal location, small village, farmers in the valley, and an old Byzantine era chalet slash fort for sale. Cool place to retire and live like a lord with the aforementioned nest egg to smooth the way.

Except for a couple of wrinkles, everything goes along swimmingly. Chechen terrorists looking for some of the same things our intrepid hero was but with ill intentions in mind. And the title, Kildar, that comes with the ownership of his new property, which confers on him certain rights with the locals.

So we have a recipe for possible disaster. Or at the very least for some action and adventure. Especially when the locals prove to be descendants of a Viking expedition to the area generations earlier.

This is a great read. Especially if you like action, adventure, with a military bent and some military tech. Get a copy and enjoy.

This book is available on Amazon At the link below
Kildar (Paladin of Shadows, Book 2)

Tagged:   #action,   #adventure,   #thriller,   #war,   #military,   #military_fiction