Reviews / Historical fiction  / The Queen's Gambit

The Queen's Gambit cover image

The Queen's Gambit

12 Jun 2021 -  Walter Tevis
Updated: 24 Jun 2021

Book Cover Summary

When she is sent to an orphanage at the age of eight, Beth Harmon soon discovers two ways to escape her surroundings, albeit fleetingly: playing chess and taking the little green pills given to her and the other children to keep them subdued. Before long, it becomes apparent that hers is a prodigious talent, and as she progresses to the top of the US chess rankings she is able to forge a new life for herself. But she can never quite overcome her urge to self-destruct. For Beth, there’s more at stake than merely winning and losing.

I admit I read the book because I had watched the mini-series on Netflix. I found the series entertaining and mildly suspenseful. Enough attention grabbing power that my wife and I watched the seven episode series in three sittings.

This book is a great read even after having watched the video. It caught my attention and I couldn’t put it down for any great length of time. Not my usual type of read but now I find myself contemplating the author’s other books.

This was my first read of a Walter Tevis book but it won’t be my last. I am also looking forward to checking out the movies based on some of his other books. The Color of Money being one that I may have already seen but need to read and watch, again.

Walter Tevis did a first-rate job with The Queen’s Gambit. Definitely fulfilling my criteria of being a good story-teller. Who knew that a male college professor could get into the mind of a pre-teen girl and take his readers along for the journey into womanhood.

That is what makes this book, and movie, great entertainment. The movie (mini-series) takes one through the story with visuals and dialogue. But the book provides a “behind the scenes” look into the mind of a young girl finding her way in the world and maturing into an independent young woman.

A great read. Very entertaining and attention-grabbing. Worth a read, more than once. Now I feel the need to get one of my old chess sets, maybe both, out of the closet and dusted off.

This book is available on Amazon At the link below
The Queen's Gambit: Now a Major Netflix Drama

Tagged:   #historical,   #chess,   #young-adult,   #netflix,   #movie