I love great storytellers. And Andre Norton is up there with the best of them. I remember reading The Time Traders and Galactic Derelic years ago. Great reads both. But the stories are a bit dated.
Looking into the life of Ms. Norton and reviewing some of her books I have read, I found that she has combined these two titles into one, Time Traders. And she has updated the details to include more recent world developments and newer technology. Another read to add to my list.
More to come…
“As for courage and will - we cannot measure how much of each lies within us, we can only trust there will be sufficient to carry through trials which may lie ahead.”
“Do not fear so, here is one who would be a blade at your back. A shield across your breast. Here is kin, here is strength to lean upon, to share as you share in need.”
Tagged: #author, #science_fiction, #fantasy, #youth