My GitHub Profile About Me
I don’t know how I missed this, but adding a GitHub profile readme file was an interesting “project”. I hit upon how to do this by personalizing my profile when I stumbled upon the Customizing your profile GitHub Docs page. You can do the same by following the Personalizing your profile link yourself. Or just click on that last link to get the info.
It was actually quite fun, and a bit cheezy, adding in some details about myself mixed in with some emojis. If you haven’t added a profile readme to your profile yet, give it a go. I also have expanded my README file in my code page.
On this Readme I have included some notes, lists of my online projects and other projects that have more than a passing interest to me. This is for me to keep track of a few things. And for others to obtain an idea of some of what interests me. So if you would like to know more about my technical interests, follow this link.