Python Bottle Bootstrap
So, I wanted to play around with the Bottle framework. This is a very interesting tool to utilize. It is a micro-framework written in Python, all in a single file. With it you can create simple web b ased tools all the way up to full websites.
I wanted to see how it would work out with the Bootstrap framework. Bootstrap is basically a CSS library with classes you add in to your HTML. There are also some Javascript components for when you need a little extra muscle. And it is fully customizeable if you want to modify it to your needs.
I was thinking I would try it out and maybe create a simple template for other projects. What I ended up with was a full blown website highlighting my interest in Python. It has turned into a great playground for trying out new ideas.
Not that my ideas are new. Just part of my learning experience with Python and web development. I’m really becoming interested in the idea of running python code in the web browser. The option to run Python code in the web browser instead of Javascript is giving me all kinds of ideas.
Another cool thing about utilizing the micro-framework Bottle is the control it provides over your creating web apps in Python. I utilized a great full-stack Python development system, web2py, in the past. Now I have a way to actually dig deep into how web apps actually work. Great way to learn and understand the underpinnings of the technology.
So, give it a try yourself. Try Bottle out. Also, take a look at Web2Py. It provides a fast way to learn how to create your own full stack web applications.