CSS Navigation Example

How to create a Navbar using CSS is a tutorial showcasing the building of a CSS navbar in a step-by-step process.

CSS Navigation Bar by W3 schools is quick and simple with examples.

CSS Only Navigation Bar
CSS with Unordered List Navigation Bar
CSS Nav Bar with a Logo
CSS Unordered List Nav Bar with a Logo

Positioning a Navbar

Place these CSS elements (position: fixed;, top: 0;, and width: 100%;) in your top-most section whether it is a UL, DIV, or NAV tag. Set an .active class on a tab to identify the current page the user is on. And add other elements such as dropdowns and search bars.

Full CSS Only Navbar

Added dropdown functionality to the News menu (navbar) item. Check out the page source under the div-id=navbar5 section of code for the requisite code. Follow the dropdown and dropbtn classes in the styles section for the relevant CSS.

Added a search form to the navbar for completeness. And added a media query to stack the menu vertically on small screens. Again, see the page source for the code.