Welcome to Dan Carroll's portfolio!

This repository originally created during the GitHub Learning Lab course for Communicating Using Markdown.

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My Sites

My Home Page
Created with Jekyll, which is a great static site generator. Github pages utilizes Jekyll for their Github Pages. This site was originally part of the courseware from a Github Labs class. And yes, it appears in many of my lists.
My Alternate Home Page
This site is crafted from Bottle, a WSGI micro web-framework for Python, and Bootstrap 5, a very useful framework for building responsive web sites. This site is also one of my Python projects so may show up on other lists.
My Graphic Design Challenge
This site was created to track and showcase my journey exploring graphic design skills. It was brought to my attention that though a may have a broad range of technical skills, graphic design was not part of my skill set. So, I challenged myself to eradicate that deficit.
My Book Blog
What is a bibliophile, read that as bookworm, to do? Some books just beg to be shared. And others, well, it is good to have a book list. Especially when you love to read so much.