My Sites
- My Home Page
- Created with Jekyll, which is a great static site generator. Github pages utilizes Jekyll for their Github Pages. This site was originally part of the courseware from a Github Labs class. And yes, it appears in many of my lists.
- My Alternate Home Page
- This site is crafted from Bottle, a WSGI micro web-framework for Python, and Bootstrap 5, a very useful framework for building responsive web sites. This site is also one of my Python projects so may show up on other lists.
- My Graphic Design Challenge
- This site was created to track and showcase my journey exploring graphic design skills. It was brought to my attention that though a may have a broad range of technical skills, graphic design was not part of my skill set. So, I challenged myself to eradicate that deficit.
- My Book Blog
- What is a bibliophile, read that as bookworm, to do? Some books just beg to be shared. And others, well, it is good to have a book list. Especially when you love to read so much.