Dan Carroll
Dan Carroll
Computer Systems and Software Engineer – Writer

My Bio

I have over 30 years experience working with computer systems. Mostly microcomputer (personal computer) workstations and servers. Also am experienced in networking systems, databases, and application development.

I am a problem solver. Business and technical. Combining those two worlds, I am able to solve many issues and automate business processes. Communicating at all levels for both venues is my forte.

I also like to write. I have a few blogs out there. Plus I have written for periodicals.

Having a technical background has helped in writing technical manuals. User manuals for software projects are an especially interesting activity. Hit me up if you can use a hand along these lines.


  • Migrated a service business from a paper filing system to a networked database service center tracking, billing, and accounting system.
  • Created a medical office management system and installed a network in a medical office for the management system to operate from.
  • Created a potherd management system for a local dairy. And later added modules to track dryherds, mastitis herds, and production herd output monitoring.
  • Designed and installed a three office (cities) network system for sharing an orthodontist management database and reports.
  • Maintained, upgraded, and provided weekly service on servers and workstations for four electric power plants.
  • Created technical education videos for an online home-schooling company.
  • Created user manuals for 10 applications for a utility software company.
  • Created .Net and mobile applications for utility company.
  • Created service business application in Python to be cloud hosted.
  • Owned and operated a computer hardware and software consulting service for 20+ years.


My personal interests include:

  • Writing mostly blog articles about topics of interest to myself.
  • Python and moving beyond an intermediate level of expertise.
  • Single Board Computers and their use to build special purpose devices. Building on my background in electronics and including programming skills in the mix.
  • Gardening to landscape the yard, build out some butterfly habitats, and provide some edibles for our table.

Recent Projects

  • Created an online presence on GitHub as a gateway to this Bio, a portfolio (in process), and my GitHub work.
  • A book review blog covering books and authors I like. Monetized it with Amazon Affiliate links.
  • A blog on programming for beginners and experienced coders if they are into any of the same systems I use and will be writing about.

Other Things

  • Working on a 365 day challenge to do an online tutorial each day. Counting success if achieve at least 5 tutorials every 7 days.
  • Working on an additioanl 365 day challenge to create a digital graphic of any type. Feel a need to learn more about graphic design as that is the one skill sorely lacking in my claim to be a full stack web developer.

Contact Me